Monday, May 16, 2011

Toddler and Preschooler Activities for the Letter L

Last week we studied the lovely letter "L." Here's two activities we tried out:

Lemon Stamps
We talked about lemons--their texture, color, smell and taste. Then we cut the lemons in half and dipped them in red paint to make "love notes" for friends and family of ours. The "stamp" resembled ladybugs (if you added the black spots and a head) and lips for kisses.



And eventually the lemon stamps were abandoned for finger painting and major mess making...

(I still have two perfect red hand prints on the white table that I'm keeping for a little while.)

"L" Books:
This is an activity we've done in the past for various letters. Take a small stack of construction paper, fold it in half width wise and staple the folded edge to create a small book. Write the letter you're studying on the front and ask your toddler/preschooler to draw pictures of things that start with that letter on each page. We usually do this activity after a lesson on the letter so it's fresh in their minds.
My three year old is showing me her ladybug.


You can use this for any letter, of course. You could also use this idea for shapes, colors, or numbers. Have a lesson on a specific topic (the color red) and then help them think of objects that relate to that topic and draw them on the page (red apples, ladybugs, cherries, cardinals, etc.)

Hope your spring is warming up! We're still stuck in the upper fifties out here...

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